segunda-feira, 24 de maio de 2010

Every Day There is GOD...

Every day there is God

One day they asked me if I believed in God.
Then I answered them the way I thought.
Between the moon and the stars in a gallop, a clatter,
Stepping on the white clouds I saw God move in Heaven

Every day there is God ...
In the smile of a child, the singing of birds,
In look, hope ...

Every day there is God ...
In the harmony of colors in nature forgotten
In the fresh breeze of wind, the very essence of life ...

Every day there is God ...
In the crystal stream, small servant of the sea,
The waves washing the beaches, the clear moonlight ...

Every day there is God ...
In the darkness of the infinite, all dotted with stars,
In the vastness of the universe in the simple pleasure of seeing them ...

Every day there is God ...
The secrets of this life, in the germinating seed,
In the movements of the Earth, which revolves endlessly ...

Every day there is God ...
In the dew on the grass in nature that charms,
Smell coming from the earth, and the sun rising ...

Every day there is God ...
In the flowers that bloom perfuming the air,
In announcing that sprout new leaves in spring ...

God is able, God is peace,
God is hope, is the breath of the afflicted;
The Creator of the Universe, light, air, alliance ...

God is perfect justice, which emanates from the heart.
By forgiving those who offend, It is the very forgiveness ...

Maybe you have not seen the face of God
In the most beautiful colored eyes of his children?

God is constant and enduring, it is divine, so much so
That being the essence of life is resting in death ...

There is no life without the back and no return lifeless.
Death is not death, is only the door of life ...

Every day there is God ...
In the cycle of nature, this constant coming and going,
In the bud, which is renewed in life that goes on,
Who sows goodness, who helps his brother in
Harvesting happiness, fulfilling its mission ...

Every day there is God ...
In the sweat of those working in the hard callus hands,
The man who plant wheat, the wheat that makes bread,
You can feel God inside your heart ...

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